basket of apples

Top 5 Best Apples For Juicing

An apple a day keeps the doctor away – we all know about that.

But do you know there are many different kinds of apples available all around? In fact, there are over 7500 types of apples grown on Earth as we know it, and that’s just roughly speaking.

Every apple differs from the other in terms of texture, color, size, tartness and of course, sweetness. Many eat it as it is, some incorporate it into their baking and dishes while others prefer to consume it in juice form.

For the latter, have you ever wondered what type of apples to use when it comes to making juice?

Choosing the right apple to make a refreshing juice is the most important factor. Don’t underestimate this – it is as important as knowing the “secret” ingredients that make your favorite dish an awesome one.

Not every type of apple is suitable. If you are an apple juice lover, you may already know which type of apple suits best for juicing. If you are not, don’t worry. After in-depth research about the many different kinds of apples, we’ve come up with the best kinds of apples that you must try juicing this season.

Best Apples To Make Homemade Apple Juice

We bet you have no idea about the amazing facts of apples that we are going to discuss below. And yes, these wonderful facts are surely going to put you in awe.

1. Red Delicious Apples

Undoubtedly, the most common type of apple that you see everywhere. If we are to talk about the history of this apple, it is that it was discovered back in the 1875s on a beautiful farm in Iowa.

So widely grown that they make up almost 50% of Washington’s export every year, as proven by statistical reports.

red delicious apple

The color of this apple is a pure yet deep burgundy, an appearance that is so eye-catching that people often say it is grown just for its looks instead of its flavor.

Of course, it tastes just as good as it looks. Sweet and refreshing, it is packed with nutrients and is one of the best choices when it comes to making juice. Best of all, it is very affordable so that’s another plus point.

If you love your juice sweet with a bit of tartness, then pick three red delicious apples and enjoy a refreshing juice.

2. Golden Delicious Apples

Just as widely grown in the United States (as well as in other countries) as the red delicious apples are the golden delicious apples, which you may also see very often in the market.

If you have never tasted them before, know that this type of apple is the most delicious among all.

golden delicious apple

With a bright yellow/golden-colored skin that resembles honey, this apple tastes just like that – sweet like honey, with a soft texture.

Eating it as it is is already a pure delight but if you have never tried its juice before, let’s just say you have not tasted the fruit 100% just yet. Until you have tasted it, you do not know what a real fruity flavored apple juice means yet.

Yes – it is that juicy.

Though they are just as amazing as red delicious apples, we think they beat the former as these ones here have a sweeter flavor.

Like red delicious apples, these golden apples are affordable. If you are after a sweet-tasting apple juice, this apple is for you.

3. Granny Smith Apples

A little bit of history – Granny Smith Apple was named after a British-Australian orchardist called Maria Ann Smith, who discovered it in Australia in the 1850s.

Bearing a solid green thick skin, these apples have very little sugary content which is why many health enthusiasts love them. Yes, the Granny Smiths have a crisp yet tart taste to them, which is why it may not be for everyone.

granny smith apple

When juiced alone, it can taste very tart. This is why it is often paired with other fruits to get the most flavorful taste, for example, ginger and celery.

If you are looking for sweet apple juice, then Granny Smith apples are not the best choice for you as they have a more acidic taste. However, if you are looking for maximum amounts of potassium and antioxidants from your apple juice, then these are just right for you.

4. Gala Apples

Easily the most common apples you see in your life, Gala Apples are the best when it comes to a balance of tartness and sweetness. Of course, it comes at an inexpensive price, too.

If we are to put it precisely, Gala apples are a cross between Kidd’s Orange Red apples and Golden Delicious apples, thus giving you the opportunity to enjoy the best of both worlds. These apples were first found in New Zealand in 1930, which later became a hit and spread across the world.

gala apple

One best way to distinguish them is by spotting the light-yellow strips spread over the red-colored skin. As eye-catching as it looks, this apple is just as flavorful when made into juice. It has a sweet taste with a bit of tartness, and a slight creamy vanilla taste which makes it extra refreshing to drink.

The best thing about Gala apples is that you do need to add sugar in your juice at all. Now you know why they are a favorite among juice enthusiasts!

5. Pink Lady Apples

If you are not a fan of Granny Smiths but still love a good tart apple juice, then the Pink Lady Apples are perfect for you.

These ones here have an attractive pink color skin but don’t be fooled by their appearance – they are highly acidic and have a severe tart taste. Don’t worry, it still has a slight sweetness to it but our advice is to only try it if you are an absolute tart lover.

pink lady

If you like to incorporate apples into your baking, these are a must-try because it has more crisp tartness than any other kind of apples.

Fun fact: Pink Lady Apples are fairly new in the game, having been just discovered some 20 years ago only.

Wrap Up

So there you have it – the top 5 best apples for juicing, selected from a vast some 7500+ variety!

Being one of the most inexpensive fruits, apples are incorporated in many juice recipes as one would have noticed. In our opinion, the best apple juice is always one with a taste of both tartness and sweetness, usually comes by using more than one type of apple in the juice.

To achieve this, we would suggest using a combination of Golden Delicious apples, Granny Smith apples and Gala apples. Of course, at the end of the day, it is up to your personal preference so be adventurous! Try away and find the best combination that makes the most refreshing and delicious apple juice that will blow you away!